
Hey I'm Skylor 👋
- I grew up near the literal north pole in the Northwest Territories, Canada
- I coach 200 teens to outlier outcomes at TKS & recently started a proactive healthcare company
- I'm a learning machine. Check out my reading list for the content I've found most valuable
Things I believe:
- We need to be reminded more than we need to be taught
- Smaller teams are more productive; most companies are 2-5x overstaffed
- Time is more important than money; few would trade lives with Buffett or Munger 1:1 today
- What you work on is more important than how hard; janitors work hard but lack leverage
- Deliver to the world what you would want on the other end
- Ignore 'most people' arguments; most people end up divorced, obese, and broke
- To retire is to expire. Build a life you don't need to 'retire' from
- If you're an ambitious person you need to work, its almost like a medical condition
- Women are hypergamous. The average man is a '3/10' while the average woman is a '6/10'
- By 2030, Bitcoin will hit $1M, Tesla will hit a $10T market cap, Nvidia will hit a $5T market cap, and expected lifespan for a newborn will hit 100
- US health system is broken and will effectively bankrupt us in the 2050s (currently 20% of GDP)
- Our western diet is hijacking our biology and will be looked upon similarly to smoking
- Incentives matter and are great fortune tellers; show me the incentive I'll show you the outcome
- Sales and distribution is just as important as product
Last updated: July 2023
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